Sunday, November 8, 2009
Leo Update -- Now Bodhi
She also shared her blog entry from the day she introduced him to her world:
Monday, July 20, 2009
Update from Richmond
Leo is doing GREAT and VERY happy to be back!
He had an exciting couple of days as Emily went to Alexandria to pick him up from the vet that next afternoon, he stayed the night with her and then the next day, Diane went to pick him up at Emily's, then he came to my house where everyone was meeting... I put him in my backyard and he made himself right at home and was just smiling as he was so happy to see someone he already knew! He romped around the yard then settled in on the basement floor very content with himself... little bugger!!
Then his original foster Mom, Sandy, came over... well as you can imagine there were tears of joy and relief shed for the little guy as we thought for sure we would never see him again! He greeted Sandy with lots of tails wags and smiles... :-)
He then went back to Sandy's where I saw him yesterday and he was very content and happy once again. He was limping a bit on his back leg from his previous injury so we are going to have that checked out and then post him for adoption to hopefully find him a forever safe home that will love him dearly.
ARCBCR can not say THANK YOU enough to the volunteers and everyone involved in the recovery of our boy ... Please tell EVERYONE, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! His recovery would NEVER had happened without all your hours of hard work and dedication, Leo thanks you and so do all of us!
With deepest appreciation for everything!
And finally, a group of Team Leo members got together Sunday evening (June 19th) for dinner at Altantis in the Bradlee shopping center in Alexandria. We had a great time relaying what we each remembered of those last days -- and late nights -- that zipped by so fast we almost missed them. We recommend to everyone that you try it some day: getting together with some total strangers to locate and recover a lost dog that you've never met before. It's good stuff!!!
PS We are pulling down the signs posted around Alexandria and Arlington. Please help by pulling down any you see that we miss! Thanks!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Leo Pictures
Thursday Afternoon Brief Update
Pictures: Will come as soon as possible! There are some pictures from the hours leading up to his capture that pumped up the volunteers during a tense time (thanks to Jim Poor for the camera donation a year ago!) and then hopefully more pictures following the capture.
Celebration: If anything calls for a celebration, this is it! But we know that if we don't do it soon, it won't be done. So, with all of the critical participants that we want at the celebration, we will have an impossible time scheduling one that everyone can be at. Please do your best to keep open the evening of Sunday, June 19th for that celebration. Can you recommend a food establishment in Shirlington? A club house at a nearby community? Please use the Comments for any suggestions as soon as possible, and stay tuned for the time and location!
One Last Fundraising Push: Clearly, there were MANY players that contributed to the success of this mission (and I intend to eventually provide a list!) but there's one in particular that we want to fundraise for so that the rescue organization's funds aren't depleted (any more than necessary) to cover her services. Those close to the operation know I'm speaking of Sam Connelly of Pure Gold Pet Trackers, whose help we couldn't have done it without. Sam was there to consult with when we needed insight into how Leo might be reacting to what was happening around him. She pulled the two consecutive all-nighters to come from Baltimore to build the trap that eventually contained Leo; monitor it, break it down, and then come back and do it again. She strategized and re-strategized with our volunteer team, and "pulled the trigger" at the moment needed to contain him! She returned a third day to break down the trap and deliver our first (traditional) trap to the person we borrowed it from. We want to see her be as richly rewarded as possible for her invaluable contributions, so please -- donate to her through ARCBCR (see menu at right) or bring cash to the celebration on Sunday. She promises to be there!
Back later with a fuller update!
Nancy Despeaux
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Got 'im!!!!!!!
Sure, easy for me to say from Myrtle Beach where I am this week. It was tense for the volunteers, and it took a lot of man hours, a lot of tasks, a lot of patience. But we got the dog! It went down something like this:
A custom trap - that looks more like a small dumpster than a trap - was rebuilt at the site by Sam for the second night in a row. It required monitoring because while it traps a pet, with a little time, the pet can collect himself and figure out how to get out of it.
Now, earlier in the evening when he was hovering around this enclosure trap, Leo had bumped up against it and the door shut. So, Sam decided to rigged so that, rather than Leo tripping the plate inside it when he was eating his feast, she would pull the door shut at the right instant after he entered it. The problem was that she couldn't really see him from her best possible angle. So the plan became that volunteers would be in phone contact her while watching Leo from the second floor balcony. True to the plan, when he was all the way inside the trap, volunteers gave her instructions to pull. She did, and it went off without a hitch!
As we've seen before, he was actually, apparently, relieved when he could no longer run! Not surprisingly, he's a sweetie who licked everyone around - including the male volunteer (we'd gotten word that he might have some problem with males).
Leo was spirited right to a 24 hour vet, where he is now. His rescue organization is making plans to pick him up.
Watch this site later on Thursday for word about (1) a celebration we'd like to have, probably at a Village at Shirlington establishment, probably Sunday eveningj and (2) fundraising to cover the cost of payment to Sam with Pure Gold Pet Trackers. Tune back in for that.
Thanks to everyone for your support and your volunteer efforts, your well wishes, and for being a part of the Leo recovery effort!
Nancy Despeaux
Wednesday Update
After establishing Leo's location first via a stray dog sighting called in to Arlington Animal Control, who were aware of Leo, then keeping him there via the set up and monitoring of a feeding station, we had a sighting by a volunteer. With 24 hours having passed since that sighting, we are bringing the lost pet tracker back to trail Leo's scent. (Leo's collar was found by volunteers, by the way, where it appeared to have gotten caught when he was trying to get water. The collar is now being used for a scent article.)
We are now seeking new contributions to cover the cost of the tracker, so please click on the icon at left for ARCBCR, Leo's rescue, organization, if you can be a part of a successful track by helping fund it.
Fingers crossed for a good report after tonight's track!
UPDATE WEDNESDAY EVENING: when our volunteer checked the camera this afternoon, it became more than clear that Leo had never left the area at all. Some of the MANY photos will be posted to the blog later.
This development resulted in cancellation of the track as it would no longer be necessary. So the trap is back in play tonight.
My last text message from the site volunteer had him hovering around the trap. I'm waiting for another update.
So, hopefully he goes in, and his time on the run ends. Cross your fingers, and gets your pets to cross their paws!
Monday, July 13, 2009
There's our boy!
Two sightings over the weekend!
Thank you to the jogger, the woman staying at Best Western, the Animal Control Officer, the Police Officer and everyone else that helped us get the word about Leo!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
New Sighting
Saturday Night's Efforts
Although the sooner the better for this, we expect it to be Friday before we are likely to get people that can volunteer hours like that. If you can participate this coming Friday and/or Saturday night, please email me as soon as possible.
We also still want to speak with the jogger that saw Leo at 6am on the morning of Saturday, July 11th. We think that you did not reach Leo's foster when you called, but that possibly it was a wrong number. We'd very much like to get any more information you have about what you saw. Please email me.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Status and Update
Right now I'm just grabbing a few minutes to share a couple of photos from the feeding station, even though they aren't Leo, and also to say that there's plenty of activity at the feeding station but little to indicate that it's Leo. We haven't caputured him in photos, but we do have rawhides and dog biscuits at the site, which we believe are less likely to appeal to a lot of the other types of animals - especially the rawhide. And it's always gone.
There was also a report -- very vague though it was -- of a jogger who saw a dog matching Leo's description this morning at 6am. We got no further information, including no way of reaching the caller to ask more questions. But we believe that he has seen this blog. So, if you are, or know, the early morning jogger who may have seen Leo, please contact me using the email icon at right.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
No Leo On Camera But . . .
Sure, it was depressing, but experience tells me not to get too discouraged even though that's the first reaction.
Thanks a million to those that are printing out the cards and handing them out or putting them on cars. I've got more areas to cover if you too are available to go out this evening, get some exercise and fresh air . . . or I guess polluted air to be more accurate since high traffic areas are the order of the day. Just email me - even if you already know what area you want to cover, let me know that so I can make sure it's not already being covered by someone else.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Post-July 4th Weekend Status/Update
As for spreading the word throughout the tracking area, we are putting together a plan to utilize volunteers to hit shopping centers and flier the cars there with the smaller size fliers or business cards. Go ahead and contact me now (email icon at right) if you can give 2 hours one evening after work and I will have directions for you.
Now, fingers crossed that our monitors find pictures of Leo on the camera.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Update from the Friday, July 3rd Track of Leo
Yesterday's track of Leo's wanderings lead the tracker to where Leo's den is, which is great news. A feeding station has been established close to the den, and we have a few monitors for it. Hopefully we have enough but if you are able to serve as a backup, please use the email icon at the right to email and let me know if you can participate. We can give you a briefing on what it's all about to monitor a feeding station.
The den is not far from the Shirlington dog park, and the track showed that Leo does seem to like that dog park. He probably goes there at night when it's closed and there are no people or dogs around, so it's likely the dog scentsthat remain there that interest him.
During the tracking session, our volunteer spoke to a lot of people in the area and handed out information, and learned that the people in the area for the most part do not know about Leo, or who to contact if they see him.
So, we need to concentrate on the entire area of the track to spread the word -- with fliering (we need volunteer manpower for this), FindToto calls and/or a postcard mailer (we need funds for this). Email me to find out how you can help with fliering or funding one of the outreach methods such as or
The tracking map has been updated with the July 3rd track. It shows all but the den and feeding station. Here's a narrative version of the track, starting from South Four Mile Run at Walter Reed Drive:
1) Straight (SW) on S Walter Reed Dr to King St
2) Left (SE) on King St to S 28th St
3) Right on S 28th St/Northampton to W Braddock Rd
4) Left (SE) on W Braddock, crossing under 395, to King St & Quaker Ln intersection
5) Left on Quaker Lane, down the hill to the 395 ramps
6) Stayed left to use the 395-to-Quaker Lane off ramp for southbound 395 travelers -- to get to Shirlington
7) Right on Quincy St, in front of the Village at Shirlington, to Four Mile Run Rd
8) Track ended there
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Results From Leo Track 2 on July 1st
Sam made this comment to me by email: “It was so sad to see the track go up to the front of the dog park and wander around in front of the gate. You can just see him there, trying to get back with his "friends" Dogs who don't trust humans frequently make strong dog bonds and when they are lost they gravitate toward other dogs looking for a "pack" to be part of. However, since the dogs at the dog park and the dogs that are in people's yards have humans somewhere nearby, they hang around only briefly and then move on. When they find another dog that is strayed or a dog on a property that "appears" to be running loose (like those with electric fences) the lost dog may stay and "pack up" with them for awhile. ”
Another track is in order, and we are making plans for one that will start before the heat of the day rather than after it. Thanks for the donations that are continuing to come in, knowing that we are going to need more funds for the second track and then without delay, the outreach that needs to follow it. Remember that the 4th of July is coming up, and the thought of Leo out among those fireworks is harder than the thought of him out there when all is quiet and peaceful. Please check back for more updates, and continue to help spread the word.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Preparing for Today's Leo Tracking Session
With that in mind, continued contributions via ChipIn -- which uses PayPal, by the way -- will be put to good use, and will leave us in a much better position than last time to act immediately on what we learn from the tracking session. Thanks for all your contributions so far, regardless of how small they may have seemed to you, and thanks in advance for new contributions, and for being a part of Leo's recovery.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Lost Pet Tracking For Leo
Thanks very much to those who have contributed to the fund so far, and we have raised almost enough for the tracking session that we need. So that we do not have to cut the track short due to insufficient funds, as we had to do last time, we are asking for more contributions. Thanks in advance for anything you can contribute. Please see the ChipIn icon on the menu at right for an easy way to contribute using PayPal.
Our plan is to schedule that session for Wednesday, and to go for as long as possible.
Leo Still Proving Elusive
I've made an attempt to start this by going to the websites for Harris Teeter, Giant Food, Safeway, WholeFoods, CVS, and Staples, and finding their locations in Arlington VA. I'm looking for a volunteer to perhaps use the same method, searching on more stores and on restaurants in Arlington, Falls Church and Alexandria, to produce a more complete list of shopping centers in the region, which we can then make available for any/all Leo supporters interested in spreading the word -- further out -- that he's still lost, and we are still looking for him. Please contact me if you can take on that project.
The shopping areas I found in my initial attempt are below. If you can take on any of these areas, please do so and let me know. I'd like to be able to report out via the blog if some of these ares are being covered.
Ballston Commons - 4238 Wilson Blvd, Arlington VA 22203
Hyde Park Plaza - 600 North Glebe Rd, Arlington VA 22203
Lee Harrison Shop'g Cntr - 2425 N Harrison St, Arlington VA 22207
Lyon Village - 3115 Lee Hwy, Arlington VA 22201
Pentagon Row - 900 Army Navy Dr, Arlington VA 22202
Shirley Park - 2901-11 S Glebe Rd, Arlington VA 22206
Village of Shirlington - 4250 Campbell Ave, Arlington VA 22206
Virginia Square - 3450 Washington Blvd, Arlington VA 22201
Bailey's Cross Roads - 3480 S Jefferson St, Falls Church VA 22041
1100 Wilson Blvd, Rosslyn VA 22209
1525 Wilson Blvd, Arlington VA 22209
1555 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington VA 22209
2121 15th Street North, Arlington VA 22201
2408 Columbia Pike, Arlington VA 22204
256 North Glebe Road, Arlington VA 22203
2601 Columbia Turnpike, Arlington VA 22204
2700 Wilson Blvd, Arlington VA 22201
3713 Lee Hwy, Arlington VA 22207
3804 Wilson Blvd, Arlington VA 22203
4709 Lee Highway, Arlington VA 22207
5101 Wilson Blvd, Arlington VA 22205
Update -- thanks to a couple of volunteers that are now working on this list.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Leo Is Still Lost, Still Being Sought
If you want to get outside this weekend and participate, the best advice we can give is to print out either the business cards or the 4/page fliers and go to shopping centers or metro stations or wherever you can find lots of people coming & going, or their parked cars at least, and hit them with these smaller versions of the flier. Arlington, Alexandria and Falls Church are all good areas to do this.
With that kind of outreach plus continuing to email the flier and post to electronic message boards and listservs that you can think of, we'll get another sighting yet.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
First responders needed to be on hand
Email me if you are interested, as we believe it's more a question of when there's another sighting -- not if.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
End of Tuesday Update
Fundraising has begun so that as soon as we have another sighting, we will be able to bring the lost pet tracker in immeditely. However, it will take as much as 2 days before your contribution will be viewable on this website (because the PayPal account was just established). Thank you for the contributions made and not yet showing, and for future contributions that will be made!
Thanks to everyone who is helping bring Leo back to safety!
Daphne and Nancy
Monday, June 22, 2009
Fundraising for a New Tracking Session, and Outreach Efforts
Leo's still lost, and we're still looking. We've got two efforts to push at this time.
Outreach We want to expand the outreach to notify even more people that Leo is missing so that we can get more sightings. We're confident that more outreach = more sightings. Some recent efforts in addition to fliering include a Letter to the Editor in the Alexandria Gazette Packet, and both FindToto robo calls and bilingual post cards with Leo's cute mug sent to neighbors surrounding the sighting locations from last week. (Thank you so much to those supporters who helped to set up and fund these efforts!) We want to spread the word even further by posting information about Leo on neighborhood listserves, home-owner associations, blogs, and other venues. If you're on such a list and able to post for us--please let us know and we'll get you electronic version of the press release, the flyer, and a picture. Leave a comment if you're able to post for us!
Fundraising for Lost Pet Tracking Leo's foster parents have now established a ChipIn account to raise money to have Pure Gold Pet Trackers back to the new sighting area to see where Leo has been traveling recently. The moment we hit the $300 mark, we are calling PGPT. If a handful of Leo's supporters can each chip in a little bit towards that service, that money can be raised quickly and we can get that track under way. Please see the ChipIn menu item on the right side of the page to contribute easily and securely via PayPal. Funds raised will be turned over to ARCBCR to then pay for the lost pet track.
Many thanks to all who have helped so far--and all who will continue to help!
Daphne and Nancy
PS This is what the postcard looks like that has been sent out to 300 neighbors surrounding Douglas Park (Quincy & 16th Streets in south Arlington):
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Status as of Late Sunday, June 21st
There are still numerous activities that we need going on now, each of which needs to be high priority:
1) Going on the belief that Leo may still be hanging around the Douglas Park area, we need to keep two things going in that area -- a) the feeding station we have plus 1-2 more, which requires monitors, and b) the spreading of the word to residents who see him to call 804-337 -9715, which requires fliering volunteers and canvassing volunteers.
2) To avoid putting all of our eggs in one basket, we still need to reach out to others outside of the Douglas Park area to let them know about Leo, as he can at any time, and he conceivably has already, migrated out of Douglas Park. There are many ways that Leo supporters can do this on their own, such as: fliering windshields of cars at shopping areas; posting the URL for this blog to any and all types of electronic bulletin boards (see the menu at right for a sample); emailing the flier to anyone and everyone you can think of -- or sending me a list of emails that I can roll into an email distribution list. We also need a press release and a distribution list of publications and media personnel to send it to.
I feel pretty certain that some folks are doing some of this and not reporting it; it would be a huge help to the effort if you email me directly whatever you are doing. Someone else may do the same thing you do and we'd like to avoid duplication of effort.
Let's all hope for another sighting to come through on Monday. Who wants to be the hero and go get it by canvassing the area around Douglas Park?
Nancy Despeaux
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Early Saturday Afternoon Update
From some of our past lost dog searches, some of us have learned the value of hitting commerce areas and putting ¼ page fliers and even business cards (available for download from the menu at right) on windshields of parked cars. One of our volunteers who is doing that today is making it a family affair by having her kids put them into Ziploc sandwich or snack baggies to weather proof them. There’s nothing like giving a job to a kid, and teaching them the value of giving back to the community. Hopefully you can make use of that idea in your home and with your family too, even if it's to spark an entirely different idea!
And finally, with the heavy rain, we are interested in upgrading the feeding stations from open air to covered, meaning something like a cage style crate with a tarp or shower curtain, or a plastic travel crate – size enough for a 45 lb dog. One of our feeding station monitors has scared up a pup tent, but if we can have backups and cover for additional feeding stations, we want to reach out for them now. Please post a coment or email me if you have something to lend.
Nancy Despeaux
Make a Difference This Weekend
Here are some ways to do that despite the fact that we don't have a specific fliering session planned at this time:
When & where: for this weekend’s fliering, we aren’t naming a meeting time and place, but we’re asking anyone that is able to help at a time convenient to you to please view the map, linked from the menu at right, to see the highest priority area for fliering. This area is the Douglas Park area, and only a few very small sections within the community have already been covered. Getting it all covered is critical. After you flier, please email me the areas you are able to cover so that I can mark the map, and the next team of volunteers will know what areas are still uncovered.
Production of fliers: we regret that this weekend, we aren’t able to offer the flier supplies to volunteers, and we thank you in advance for adding the labor and/or cost of flier production to the contribution of your time to help Leo! If your printer is currently out of ink like mine is, don’t forget Office Depot, FedEx Kinkos and Staples for printing unless you have a relationship established with a different printer altogether. Also critical is the weather-proofing of fliers, which can be accomplished by any of these options: sheet protectors, large ziploc bags, or clear contact paper.
CANVASSING DOUGLAS PARK: If you’d be happier talking to people, this is another really important task at this time! We have good to reason to believe that Leo has been in this neighborhood, but we need to
1) figure out if he’s still in the area,
2) let people know who to contact if they see him,
3) find out who can offer their property as a site for a feeding station,
4) inform people that they should NOT chase him or call his name, but just call the number, and
5) ask people to help circulate the word about Leo to their friends and neighbors.
For this job, please have plenty of the business card size notices and the ¼ page fliers. Use the Douglas Park area map to know where to canvass. If you encounter people that believe they may have seen Leo, some of the questions to ask are: when & where was the dog seen, what was the direction that the dog was moving from and to, how fast did he seem to be moving
FLIERING OTHER AREAS: We also believe in fliering other areas where people congregate and then go to their homes in all pockets of Arlington County and Northern Virginia, keeping in mind that Leo can move on. Here are just a very few examples of places where you could go and hang fliers or possibly put 1/4 fliers on car windshields in parking lots:
Parks, Trails & Shelters:
Libraries, most or all of which have bulletin boards:
We think area pools are a good place to spread the word via fliers, and this is a source of info for them:
Shopping areas with stores like Giant, Safeway, Harris Teeter, Bloom, Whole Foods or CVS – with parking lots that turn over throughout the day; the ¼ fliers on the windshields of these cars spread the word everywhere. Do you know those shopping centers or can you find them on the internet in area code 22204?
If you want to cover one of the areas yourself today, you could post a comment and others can see that you're doing this, and they can decide on other options. I'll recieve your message as an email if so and I may be able to help from a distance (but I can't be on site today).
Here's hoping for an exciting next blog entry -- happy hunting!
Nancy Despeaux
Friday, June 19, 2009
Two Possible Leo Sightings!
"I went around the Douglas Park area and spoke to a few people who had seen him. One boy lives on 18th street (that is on the perimeter of the park ) thinks that he saw him on Wednesday morning. He was going home to look on the website to confirm that it was the same dog that he saw. " This would have been about 24 hours after the previous sighter saw what may have been Leo. Then of the second sighting, our volunteer said:
"The other family that said they saw him confirmed that they had seen him on Wednesday night at the corner of Quincy and 16th. He tried to play with their dog but their dog was scared of him because he had apparently been attacked before by a dog so he doesn't like dogs coming up to him. He then ran down the path towards the swings. They remembered him because they looked around for his owner but didn't see anyone around." This would have been Wednesday, June 17th, about 8pm, right there in Douglas Park. The family was showed the flier with one of Leo's pictures before making this statement. (Note that they found the dog they saw to be interested in playing with their dog. This sounds great, but in general, bringing a leashed dog to the area to try to draw Leo out is so risky and likely to backfire that it is not recommended. And of course we don't want anyone unleashing their dog with the idea of putting both dogs on equal footing.)
In addition to these sightings, the volunteer also told us: "I also spoke to several other people on Quincy that said that people had asked them who the owner of the dog was that was running around. I really think that he's around there but he won't be for long if it isn't literally plastered with fliers on every street and they need to be put in the direction of the traffic. i.e. so that people in cars and walking don't have to turn to look at the ad, it kind of meets them at eye level. "
I know from wandering around Douglas Park for a while on Wednesday evening is that it would be a great place to hang from the perspective of a dog seeking to avoid capture. We feel very positive about pursuing this area to look for Leo, and spread the word about him. And fortunately we have a feeding station already set up in the area, but based on these possible sightings, we need to add 1-2 more feeding stations. This means we need more people to monitor the feeding stations. So here's a run-down of what feeding stations are all about:
1) once early in the day and once later in the day, a volunteer goes to the feeding station to see if the food left during the previous FS check has been eaten. (Basically, the volunteer needs to supply the food, and also, note that water at the feeding station makes it a better FS.)
1a) if the food hasn't been eaten, it needs to be pitched and replaced with the same type of food -- kibble-based and then topped with something smelly like canned cat food to draw Leo over to it
1b) if it has been eaten, then we add a feature to the feeding station to determine who's eating from it -- there are several ways to do this
2) once we determine that Leo is eating from our feeding stations, we reduce the number to just one, and
3) when he has an established pattern of eating from the one feeding station, we replace it with a humane trap. By this time we've increased the quality of the food being offered. This can take days to even weeks to get him to this point, starting when we get those feeding stations down and volunteers monitoring them
So, can you help out with feeding stations? Please email me if you can. Leo could get impatient waiting for us to put out the word and put out the food! Even just one time checking a feeding station will help.
I'm going to follow this post up with another one first thing Saturday morning with information about how you can help this weekend -- the sooner the better. If you can flier, please get started printing the flier or ordering copies from a printing place, and don't forget to weather-proof them with sheet protectors, large ziploc bags, or clear contact paper. Then check the blog Saturday for direction on where to go. Oh and print some business cards too which are great to hand out to people you talk to.
Nancy Despeaux
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Thursday Afternoon
We've had some fantastic volunteers that have materialized in the last few days, and it's great to see people coming together for a dog in need like Leo is. Thank you all -- Leo thanks you even if he doesn't know it! He's got food now (if he'll go where it is now probably getting soggy), and a growing number of eyes looking out for him. Those are good things.
It's now been more than 48 hours since our one sighting occurred, and I'm still happy we had it but I'm down off my high from finding out about it. To say I'm looking for the next sightings would be an understatement. History tells us it will take a good number of sightings to lead us to recovering him. I do know the sightings will come in as long as we are still spreading the word that the wandering dog with the cute mug does have people looking for him. Leo is without a doubt being seen, but by people that haven't come accross the fliers, the blog, the Facebook group, the Craigslist postings and all other manner of notice we're putting out. So they don't know who to tell. So we keep coming up with new ways to put the word out.
What are your ideas? I'll bet you have some, so please share!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Finally - A Good Possibility Sighting!
And we need swift action -- today if anyone is available, tonight if you're not available until tonight. We need to get fliers up in the area there, as there are none yet. We'll work with the caller to get a feeding station on her property, but also want to look at other possible spots to put feeding stations around that area. If we get enough people out this evening, some canvassing of the neighbors may bring us more sightings; definitely talk to people while fliering if you can flier.
So if you can participate this afternoon or this evening, please email me right away. I may not be able to respond immediately if you are not available until this evening, but I will respond as quickly as possible.
(Don't be fooled by my calm demeanor -- I'm VERY excited!!!)
Thanks to the folks running the Douglas Park Yahoo Group for posting Leo's blog information! (Can you get a notice on your HOA's website in case Leo travels into your neighborhood?)
Nancy Despeaux
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Status as of Tuesday, June 16th
Thanks very much to the folks that helped out yesterday and today in assorted ways to spread the word about Leo and his plight. The efforts are working, and I'm hearing from more people able to help in small ways. But there’s still so much uncovered ground, so we need lot more people that can participate.
Direct Mailing We’ve got people developing email distribution lists and fax lists for sending the flier in those quick and easy ways, and physical address lists for delivering the flier to some good spots that have no email or fax. And we’ve got people delivering the fliers to those spots and others. We need more of this, and we’re calling on anyone that can do some of this. Please post a comment (which also sends me an email) or email me directly if you can develop these address lists and/or make deliveries of the flier.
Internet Posting We've got people posting to the internet, and this is where we need a LOT more people helping. Do you know of any electronic bulletin boards you could post about Leo to? See the menu at the right, the "Other Links" section, the link to the Sample Bulletin Board Posting for Leo? That’s a posting that I put (hastily, I would add) on the ArlingtonDogs forum. You may encounter bulletin boards of this type that you could post to about Leo, to spread the word – please do so! (And if you let me know about it, I’ll put it on a list of sites to update when Leo is found.) Please make sure you include the blog address if you post, and if you can attach a photo, much better!
Checking Shelters I'm looking for someone convenient to the Arlington animal shelter and someone convenient to the Alexandria shelter to visit these shelters. Reports have been made with each shelter - since the first day after Leo went missing. (Alexandria is closed for viewing on Wednesdays; Arlington is closed on Tuesdays.)
Incentive for Spreading the Word And in a shameless attempt to get any business or organization with a website to find a way to link to Leo’s blog, we’re now offering a “Friends of Leo” Link Exchange opportunity. See this new section in the right-hand menu. Have you already gotten Leo’s story told on a business or organization website. Let me know and I’ll add the link to the Friends of Leo section. Know anyone that needs some incentive to help spread the word about Leo on their website? Let ‘em know that – hopefully for a limited time! – we will gladly provide a reciprocal link on this website.
OK, that's all for now, other than to say that no, we've still had no sightings of Leo . . . but I still believe that whoever has seen him simply did not know who's looking for him.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Current Efforts to Find Leo
To those who didn't get time to respond yesterday, I hope you'll do so today as we do need more folks helping. To implement the suggestions sent in yesterday, more volunteers -- each playing small roles -- are needed. Can you start by committing to one task, and see if it leaves you with time for another? Think of Leo!
Speaking of Leo, this is important -- if you see him, DO NOT CHASE him! He'll run from you, and you won't be able to catch him. Also, don't bother calling his name since he doesn't know it. You may have seen from the photo slide show of him on the blog that his name was Miles before, but we don't believe he knows that name either. So don't call out his name, but do call the number -- 804-337-9715
And speaking of the number, if you printed business cards out, please note that as of last night, the business cards file was updated. There are now more cards per page, and (ahem) I needed to correct the phone number on them (she said with embarrassment). Oh I also switched out the photo to one that allows more cards per page because it's portrait rather than landscape.
If you get the Alexandria Gazette Packet, be looking in the Letters to the Editor section in that paper this week. I sent in a letter in an attempt to get eyes on Leo's website, with his picture and all the info, so we can start getting the sightings that will lead to his full recovery. Fingers crossed that the letter is printed!
(By the way, you can reach me by clicking the "NHD" hyperlink in the Contributors section on the menu at right. I try to avoid listing my email in blog posts to ward off spammers that troll blog posts for email addresses, but I'm reachable by email.)
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Many Ways to Help Spread the Word About Leo
To me this means that we need to rely on spreading the word far and wide -- so that anyone who has seen him or contained him, or who does so in the future, knows who is looking for him and who to contact. This can be done with: fliers, etc; direct mail campaigns; media campaigns like radio bulletins and stories in local papers and on the TV news; and virtual posting on the internet. We need help -- a lot of it -- to accomplish these.
Fliers -- my personal feeling is that the best use of fliering time is to hit commerce areas and put 1/4 page fliers on windshields. And this can be done over and over. People will leave these shopping areas and go anywhere and everywhere. Any commerce areas between Quaker Lane and Route 1 are good for this. Can you do some of this? The 4-to-a-page fliers are downloadable from the menu at right. If you can and/or do this, please post a comment to the blog. This isn't for just today; it's for every day until Leo is brought to safety or at least until we begin getting sighting notices.
Direct mail -- this means emailing the flier to anyone and everyone. Can you push the flier out to everyone you know in the northern Virginia area (individuals, businesses, listservs for any types of organizations, Yahoo group owners, etc)? Please put the blog address in the body of every email! Or if you can send email addresses for us to send the email out (to avoid duplication), you can send it to my email, below my signature. The email addresses you send will be used as a bcc and only for a one-time mailing of the Leo flier. They won't be shared with anyone.
Media -- we need to pull together a press release that will catch the attention of people with the local papers and radio and TV stations that decide what gets printed and aired, AND to develop a list of email addresses for those individuals, AND to conduct follow up calls after the press release is sent (meaning we need the phone numbers too). Can you help with composing the press release, collecting the email addresses and phone list for it, or making the follow-up calls? To do this, it doesn't matter where you live; living nearby isn't necessary to help out in this way.
Virtual posting -- this means visiting the assorted missing pet sites with formats such as classified advertising or bulletin boards to post the notice about Leo. I have a list of about 30 such sites which could be divvied up among different volunteers so that it can get done quickly. This is a good job for people who want to support Leo's foster parents but don't live in the area or can't be available on site to flier or search.
Also in the category of spreading the word --
Notifying area animal hospitals -- there are a ton of them, and those with email addresses can be covered in the direct mail campaigns. Those without them need the flier delivered or snail mailed. Who can help with that? Email me, please.
Who can think of other ways to spread the word about Leo and his plight? Then as for searching for Leo, we can't suggest where to search that he might be encountered wandering, but there are obvious places that he can be searched in the event that he has been contained, by anyone:Checking the shelters -- In addition to spreading the word, Leo's foster parents need help checking the local shelters, which really should be done daily if possible -- and there are at least two shelters that need to be checked: Arlington and Alexandria. Are you in a position to commit to one visit of one shelter, or more? Best if we have a team of folks sharing the load for these visits.
Virtual tracking -- The list of missing pet websites I mentioned above are sites for both posting notices that Leo is missing, and checking to see if he's been taken in by someone. The preference would be for the checking to be done daily until Leo is recovered, so a team of volunteers for this means that no one has too much to do every day, or doesn't need to check every day. Who wants to be a part of this team? You can live anywhere and have only odd hours of availability for this.
So much to do, so little time. Remember, "it takes a village" applies here. Leo's foster parents, Hilary and Jeremiah, can't do it all, so they need YOUR help. Everyone doing just a task or two will make it possible to bring Leo back.
Nancy Despeaux
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Fliering Sat June 13th
Since we have only the track and have had no sightings of Leo, we need to spread the word that he is missing as far and wide as possible. We're posting to Craigslist, and we've done some emailing and faxing of the flier to listservs, schools, places of worship -- where we are able to obtain emails and fax numbers. We need to build a much, much larger email list to send the flier out to. Can you help us build that list? We also need to send a press release out to the media. Can you help with that? These are priorities for now.
We also need more people to flier on Sunday, so if you can do that, please post a comment on the blog.
Tracking Report from 6/12/09 Track
- Leo's track ran down into the woods behind the foster's home and came out on Gunston at the bottom of the hill.
- He continued to make big loopy circles around the complex, investigating every backyard and hillside in Parkfairfax for quite some time and then he got on Valley Dr where he went all the way down past Braddock.
- On the other side of Braddock he cut through a couple of yards and down a steep hillside to Timber Branch Pkwy.
- There is a creek that runs down the middle between the East and West side of that road. He played in the creek for a block or two then came back up to the road and crossed back over Braddock heading back towards the foster's complex.
- He turned at a little park on Kenwood and cut back out to the street then turned right on Fern and out to Quaker.
- He turned at the church on Oakcrest Dr and then followed that back to Kenwood and that back to Valley Dr.
- He turned left on Valley heading once again toward the Foster's apartment complex but instead of turning up Martha Custis he went to the bottom of the hill and turned right on Tennesee Ave.
- We followed for several blocks but had to call it when we realized that we were already over the 3 hour time limit.
- Advised fosters to get good poster coverage this weekend to see if we can generate some sightings.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Tracking with Sam & Salsa
Those are the words I have to use to describe how huge is the area that Leo is traveling, according to what we've learned from the track that was done on his scent this afternoon. It's an enormous area, and he's covered it from overnight Saturday night until Thursday. The track is mapped on this blog in the Leo Links section at right; take a look.
This area is about 95% residential, and covers a lot of ground, so we are working to formulate a strategy for covering such a wide area that is almost entirely homes -- single family homes, townhouses and condos, and some apartments. It will be hard to cover it all with just fliers, and hard to cover it any other way, as well. We are looking for ways to reach as many people as we can, knowing that we will only be able to get so many fliers out this weekend unless we have an incredible show of volunteers on Saturday afternoon.
We do know of and it has a competitor; Leo's rescue organization has agreed to pay for the track with Pure Gold Pet Trackers, and their funds won't stretch enough to cover the Find Toto calls as well. So that resource may go untapped.
Do you know Alexandria VA residents near the Parkfairfax and Beverly Hills areas as well as the areas that surround them? Please reach out to us using the comment feature of this blog if you have any suggestions at all!
Meanwhile, we are meeting in Parkfairfax at 3pm on Saturday to begin fliering this large, and most likely growing, area where Leo is moving.
Weekend Fliering For Leo
There is really zero parking within up to a mile of the escape point (less than that much parking, oftentimes -- trust me, I lived there for five years) so we will meet at Charles Barrett Elementary School at 2:45 for a 3pm head-out time. Hopefully the heat of the day will be mostly behind us, and we can get through it without passing out from heat exhaustion! Details are below:
Date & Meeting Time: Saturday, June 13th @ 2:45pm
Meeting Location: Charles Barrett Elementary School, 1115 Martha Custis Drive, Alexandria VA 22302
Telephone (for questions or if you can only flier at a different time): 804-337-9715
Supplies: If you have your own supply of fliers (downloadable from the blog), tape, staple guns, page protectors are large ziploc bags for weatherizing, please bring them!
Don't forget: sunscreen, a hat or visor for protection from the sun, drinking water, good walking shoes
What am I forgetting?? Thanks in advance for helping!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Thursday, June 11th
We will post the results of the track with Sam & Salsa as soon as we get them -- sometime Friday in the early evening. If this track of Leo's travels shows us that Leo has migrated out of the Parkfairfax community, we will need to get fliers up in the new area immediately . . . well, we need more fliering immediately anyway!!! We will have volunteers out after the workday on Friday, but we need more fliering help. Can you participate?
The Lost Leo map will be updated Friday with the fliering that was done today, Thursday.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Update End of Weds Jun 10th
Leo's rescue group has given the nod to get the lost pet tracker out, so we are reaching out to Sam of Pure Gold Pet Trackers to come out and run a track as soon as possible. This should give us an idea of where Leo has been traveling. It would be incredible luck to have the track lead us to Leo . . . but then that did happen in another case just a few days ago. Fingers crossed that we get that lucky!
More fliering is planned for Thursday evening, and we need more help than we already have. Can you come out and join the fun, for a good cause???
Also, note that there are two new fliering option -- business card size notices, and 4-to-a-page notices. The 4-ups are good for placing on car windshields in parking lots to spread the word about Leo being lost. Lost Leo business cards should always be carried when fliering as they are good to hand to peole you talk to.
Info for Fliering Tonight (Weds 6/10)
The priority for this evening will be to cover as many street corners and bus stops (and use your judgement to find more places) as possible in the area bordered by Martha Custis Drive / Gunston Road, and then moving east and south as man hours permit.
The next priority would be crossing Quaker Lane, to the west of Park Fairfax, although we really hope Leo has not crossed Quaker Lane. He has some fear of roads with that much traffic, hence that priority is a notch below Park Fairfax (the Martha Custis/Gunston beltway, so to speak).
When you return from this evening's fliering, if you can post to the Comments section on this blog, the fliering map will be updated later tonight. There will be at least one person fliering during the day on Thursday so she needs to be able to see where the fliering priority is.
Thanks to all for helping to spread the word about Leo!
PS I had to update the flier AGAIN - I had left out the word Reward on the prior versions. Sorry!
A New Flier for Leo
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
We need help flyering
Let us know if you can flyer and we'll send you an area to tackle.
Thanks so much!
Leo is Lost!
The escape occurred in the Park Fairfax area of Alexandria, which is bordered by N Quaker Ln on one side and West Glebe Rd on another. Both roads border the city of Alexandria and the county of Arlington. For Leo's safety, we must keep him away from those highly traveled roads!
Leo, a red & white border collie or mix, is fearful of humans but is not aggressive. He has white feet, a white stripe down his nose, and white on the tip of his tail. He is approximately 45 lbs and has green eyes.
He was wearing a collar with a tag from border collie rescue in Richmond.
There is MUCH to do in order to locate and recover him -- we just need the volunteers to help. Do you love border collies, or dogs in need? Whether you are close to the Alexandria/Arlington and can help saturate the Park Fairfax area with fliers right away, or are not close but can perform other tasks towards the goal of finding Leo, we are looking to hear from you!
For now, please respond to the blog by commenting, and we will have more contact information, a flier to download, a sighting map, Leo's Petfinder page and other information up as quickly as possible. Please spread the word!